Home Remedies For Breast Milk Increase

Home Remedies For Breast Milk Increase

Home Remedies For Breast Milk Increase

Nursing mothers, especially first-time mothers, often worry about whether their supply of breast milk is adequate. Most mothers produce enough breast milk for their child. However, at times some mothers are unable to produce adequate quantities.

As breast milk is a very important nutritional source for newborn babies and infants, it is important to take steps to increase its supply. Your doctor can prescribe medications. But you may also be able to increase breast milk production yourself by practicing some easy and simple home remedies.

8. Home Remedies For Breast Milk Increase

1. Warm Compress

In some cases, low blood circulation in the breasts is the main reason behind inadequate breast milk supply. If this is the reason, you can use a warm compress on your breast before feeding sessions to increase the blood supply.

Massage your breasts gently for five minutes prior to nursing. Dip a clean cloth in warm water and wring out the excess water. Use the warm cloth to gently massage the area around the nipples, pressing the breast against the chest. After massaging for five to 10 minutes, lean forward and breast feed your baby.

You can also try this as a relaxation technique if you notice your breasts have become heavy, but you are not able to feed your baby. It can help facilitate the flow of milk.

2. Eat Well

Nothing helps you keep and stay healthy as much as a good diet. It is vital to eat healthy and fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Women need nutrition for their body during a stage when they have a baby to feed. Avoid fast food and eating out too much, as that can hamper healthy production of milk and make you unhealthy.

3. Carrots

Carrots are a lesser known galactagogue, but like spinach, they contain phytoestrogens. Carrots are also high in beta-carotene and Vitamin A, both of which lactating mothers have an increased need for. Carrot juice is especially great for breastfeeding moms. It is believed to provide extra energy needed by lactating women, and it may improve the supply and quality of breast milk. Drinking a cup of carrot juice just before lunch may give your afternoon supply a boost.

4. Carrot and Beetroot

Both carrots and beetroot contain a good amount of beta-carotene, which is said to increase the supply of breast milk. Also, beta-carotene is beneficial for the overall growth of newborn babies. Plus, these vegetables are high in minerals and nutrients that a nursing mother needs.

Put two carrots and two beetroots in a juicer to make fresh juice. Add salt or honey as per taste. Drink it twice daily for several weeks. Alternatively, you can make a healthy salad or soup of carrots and beetroots and eat them daily to increase the supply of breast milk.

5. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds also help increase breast milk production. This herb acts as a galactogogue, a substance that helps the body produce more breast milk. Plus, fennel seeds aid digestion and help prevent colic pain in small babies.

Add one tablespoon of fennel seeds to one cup of hot water. Cover the cup, let it steep for 30 minutes, and then strain the solution. Drink the tea twice daily for a month. Alternatively, mix together one-half cup each of fennel seeds, cumin seeds and rock candy (misri) in a bowl. Grind the ingredients to make a fine powder. Have one teaspoon of it with one cup of milk three times a day for one or two weeks. Also try to include fennel seeds in your cooking.

6. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is considered a good remedy for stimulating the milk-producing glands. Fenugreek contains phytoestrogens that help increase breast milk production. It is believed that it stimulates sweat gland activity; mammary glands are modified sweat glands.

Soak one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in one cup of water overnight. In the morning, boil this water along with the fenugreek seeds for several minutes. Strain the solution, and drink this tea every morning until you get positive results. You can opt instead to take three fenugreek capsules, three times a day for the first 10 days. Then take two capsules, three times daily for the next 10 days. Finally take one capsule, three times daily for another 10 days.

Note: Diabetic and asthmatic women must not use fenugreek remedies.

7. Garlic

Being an excellent galactagogue, garlic stimulates lactation. It has been found that nursing mothers who eat garlic tend to feed for a longer time, and babies even like the flavor of the milk.

Finely grate three garlic cloves. Boil the grated garlic in one cup of water until the quantity is reduced to about one quarter. Add a cup of milk to the mixture and bring it to a boil again. Remove from heat, mix in one-half teaspoon of honey and strain it. Drink it once daily, in the morning, during the breastfeeding period.

8. Salmon

Salmon is a great source of essential fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids. EFAs and Omega-3 fatty acids, like what’s found in salmon, are thought to give your milk supply a boost even though they are not technically considered a galactagogue. There are a couple of reasons why we think EFAs and Omega-3s help increase a woman’s supply. The first is that they simply improve mom’s nutrition so that she can produce the hormones necessary for milk production. In addition, EFAs are part of what breast milk is made up of. Essential fatty acids are a key component in breast milk. Naturally, having more EFAs available will allow mom to produce fattier, more nutritious, breast milk.
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