11. Home Remedies for Acne

11. Home Remedies for Acne

11. Home Remedies for Acne

You see the movie stars and singers. Their skin is acne free. Even your friends have clear skin. Do you suffer from acne, wish you didn't have any, but don't want to waste money on expensive products that don't even work? You can destroy acne naturally within a few weeks using products from around the house. Let's have a look on best home remedies to get rid of acne.

11. Home Remedies for Acne

1. Baking Soda

This is my absolute favorite natural remedy for acne! Surprisingly, I only discovered baking soda masks a couple of years ago, and oh boy, is this stuff powerful at clearing skin! Baking soda not only helps eliminate breakouts and reduces inflammation, it is also an exfoliator and helps remove dead skin cells! Because of this, it also works great to reduce any old scars or acne marks. To use it, just take a few teaspoons of baking soda and mix it with warm water until it forms a paste. Apply the paste to your skin. You may want to leave it on for only 10 to 15 minutes the first few times as it may feel powerful. You can gradually increase the time up to an hour or even leave it on overnight (which is what I do). After one use you can see a great difference in your skin.

2. Cinnamon and Honey Mask

Honey is sticky, and cinnamon is spicy, and it seems like they’re both things you’d want to avoid getting near your skin. Surprisingly, while it may sound strange, honey and cinnamon make a (literally) killer combo when it comes to acne. Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties, so it can help stop bacteria from getting out of hand. If it does, the honey is a natural anti-biotic, ready and waiting to wipe the little buggers out.

Rinse your face with water and pat dry. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon together until they are thoroughly blended and have formed a sort of paste. Apply the mask to your face (or spot treat) and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off completely, and pat your face dry. This is a sticky mixture, so make sure you have some paper towels at on hand.

3. Lemon juice Acne Remedy

Cut a lemon in half and gently rub the open-side of the lemon onto the acne. The stinging feeling means it's working. Lemons contain citric acid, which attacks the bacteria that cause acne.

Make sure to wipe/wash the lemon juice off, and use sunscreen afterwards. Citric acid can bleach the skin and puts it at significantly higher likelihood of sun damage.

4. Orange peel paste

They taste rejuvenating and refreshing, and our skin may find them just as appealing as our taste buds do. Acne that is caused by bacteria and extra oil/dead skin cells clogging up pores may improve with the use of an orange peel face mask of sorts, thanks to the vitamin C, citric acid, and it’s astringent properties. The vitamin C is particularly helpful because it promotes the growth of new healthy cells, keeping your skin in better condition overall. Rinse your face with water and pat dry. Grind/pound up your orange peels (you could use a blender, mortar and pestle, whatever gets the job done) and add a little water to create a paste. Add a little at a time, as too much will make it too thin and runny. Once you have the right consistency, apply it to your face and/or problem areas. Wait for 20-25 minutes. Ideally the mask should be firm, but it can still work if it isn’t. Rinse off completely with water, pat your face dry, and apply a good moisturize.

5. Turmeric and Mint

Use a mixture of mint and turmeric to apply on your skin. Simply extract juice from fresh mint leaves and combine it with turmeric powder to form a paste. Use this paste on your face or affected area and leave it for about 15 minutes before rinsing off with clean water. This mixture is very effective and you will realize great changes in your looks within a few weeks of using it.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is antibacterial and antifungal. Coconut oil is also extremely moisturizing and gentle. It helps fight the bacteria and reduce redness. Apply the coconut oil to your skin and massage it in. You can reapply a couple times per day. With coconut oil, there is no need to ever use a moisturizer again, it works so well and doesn’t clog your pores. For optimal benefit, use organic coconut oil that is unrefined.

7. Egg Yolk Oil 

Egg yolk oil contains immunoglobulins which kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. The Omega-3 fatty acids help naturally heal the cyst without leaving scars.

Apply egg oil on the acne affected area twice a day, massaginggently for 2-3 minutes.Leave it on for an hour and then wash it off with a mild facewash. Continue use until the cyst (zit) is completely healed and continuous (unbroken), healthy skin appears. Stopping mid-way may cause the acne to spread again.

8. Olive Oil

Can olive oil be a good home remedy for acne? Yes, olive oil is an effective home remedy for healing acne. Olive oil is recognised for its anti-bacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Olive oil is used with lemon juice for removing acne. All you need to do is to add 1/8 teaspoon of lemon juice in ¼ teaspoon of olive oil.Apply the mixture on the face directly.

You can also add a pinch of salt in some olive oil. Apply it on the face and wash it off with warm water.

9. Garlic

Garlic is considered as one of the best and effective natural remedies for acne treatment on earth. Garlic is rich in antioxidants and thus plays a major role in keeping your skin looking great. ,it has antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory benefits. You can use garlic either by consuming it or applying it topically. To apply it externally on your skin, simply cut the clove and rub it gently on the affected area. The garlic clove has allicin which an agent that makes it possess antibacterial as well as anti fungal properties.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

This natural remedy for acne is another powerful one, it has both antibacterial and antifungal properties. To start out, you may want to dilute a few teaspoons with half water or ¼ water as it can be quite powerful when applied directly to your skin. Make sure to use apple cider vinegar that’s raw, unfiltered and labeled as “with the mother”, which has the most nutrients.

11. Sandalwood Paste with Rose Water

Make the paste by rubbing sandalwood stick with rose water on a rough surface and apply on your acne before sleeping. Leave it overnight and wash with cold water in the morning. In case your skin becomes excessively dry the next morning, use the paste only for limited hours on your face or add some milk while preparing the paste. Milk will help remove the dryness.

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