Amazing Natural Tips To Get Rid of Dry, Rough And Itchy Skin

Amazing Natural Tips To Get Rid of Dry, Rough And Itchy Skin

Amazing Natural Tips To Get Rid of Dry, Rough And Itchy Skin

Dry skin is one of the most annoying and frustrating skin problems that almost all of us face at some point. Malnutrition, lack of Vitamin A and B , excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking, pollution, harmful sun rays, dehydration, constant weather changes and side effects of certain medications are some of the main causes behind dry and itchy skin. Dry skin loses its flexibility and becomes cracked, rough, scaly and sometimes very itchy. In this article you will find out natural solutions about how to get rid of dry, rough and itchy skin.

16. Amazing Natural Tips To Get Rid of Dry, Rough And Itchy Skin

1. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera helps in nourishing the skin dryness and healing the skin roughness. Aloe vera also protects your face from developing fine lines and wrinkles. Apply fresh aloe vera gel onto the dry patches twice a day. The acids in aloe vera work to eat away the dead skin and help the dry patches heal more quickly.

2. Coconut Oil layer

If you are suffering from dry skin, coconut oil is very effective in getting rid of dry skin. Coconut oil is one of the best natural moisturizer. Apply some coconut oil over your dry skin, leave at least for half an hour and rinse with normal water.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber is extremely beneficial for treating dry skin. Cucumber naturally moisturizes dry skin and also lightens skin tone. Make a paste of 1 cucumber and apply on face. Leave the pack for 30 minutes. Regular application will give you excellent result within few days.

4. Grape Seed Oil

Massage on the face using grape seed oil to remove dry skin on the face since it is one of the best home remedies for such skin related issues . From acne to wrinkles, dry flaky skin from sunburn, whatever the problem is, grape seed oil is the best solution.

5. Milk And Almond Oil

Drink a lukewarm glass of milk mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil, before bedtime. This natural remedy can work wonders in getting rid of dry skin.

6. Flax Seed Oil For Dry Skin

Flax seed oil is also known to remove dryness form the skin and also impart a lustre and shine that is incomparable. You can add flax seed oil in your diet and use the oil for massaging on your skin as well. Flax seed oil is also good for preventing the skin from the damage caused due to free radicals.

7. Banana Paste

Bananas can also be used as a dry skin home remedy. Just mash 1 ripe banana and apply it like a face pack. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash off. Not just banana, but banana peels also contains a number of elements that are good for the skin. The peel contains a good amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins which contribute to the well being of the skin. Rubbing banana peel on the dry skin surface will relieve skin inflammation and recover the softness and smoothness of the skin.

8. Honey And Rose

Take 1 teaspoon of honey and mix it with 1 teaspoon of rose water and apply on face and neck. This face pack will cleanse the skin, tone it and make the skin glowing. This home remedy is also considered very effective to naturally cure excessive dry skin.

9. Strawberry And Sour Cream

Mash one strawberry and mix with some sour cream and apply the mixture on your face and neck and leave for 30 minutes. Finally remove it with fresh water.

10. Drink as Much as Water as You Can

Dry skin is one of the sign of dehydration. So, if a person has dry skin then and he/she should plenty of water. One can also include watery fruits like water-melon etc in your diet. Drink 8-10 glasses of water. Water is the best product that helps to keep body hydrated from inside and whenever there is a need for moisture body is able to provide it. Eat a healthy diet which contains lots of vitamin e which is very helpful in keeping skin moisturized

11. Don't Wash With Water That's too Hot 

Avoid steaming your skin and washing with water that is hot. Use warm or lukewarm water so any hydration isn't stripped from your skin. Water that's too hot tends to wash away your skin's protective lipid barrier. For the same reason, avoid taking long showers or baths.

12. Moisturize When Your Skin is Damp

Moisturizing when your skin is still slightly wet helps to seal in more hydration. After you wash your face, pat off the excess moisture with a towel before applying your moisturizer. For your body, do the same thing. Pat your skin with a towel until it's just slightly damp, then apply a good moisturizer. Allow your skin to dry naturally so it can absorb all the moisture.

13. Mint And Lemon

Mint is one that offers you cooling effect. You can apply mint juice extracts by crushing the mint leaves over your face overnight to treat pimples and dry skin. If you need to enjoy smooth and glowing skin, then you can mix two or three teaspoons of lemon juice with mint leaf extract and warm water and apply it all over your body. Let the mixture dry on your skin and you can then wash it off. This will cool your skin and also will provide a smooth feel to your skin.

14. Limit the use of "Treatment" Products

A lot of times, dry skin is a side effect of using certain treatments, like ones for acne and wrinkles. If you are trying to clear your skin or fight off aging, this doesn't mean you have to stop using those treatments completely. It simply means you should use them less frequently because certain active ingredients in such treatments can exacerbate dry skin, especially in the winter.

15. Diet Remedy For Dry Skin

Diet too is important if you are suffering from dry skin problems. A diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids will keep your skin well nourished, moisturised and free from the effects of ageing. Omega 3 fatty acids help in strengthening the oil retaining barriers in the skin, thereby preventing the formation of dryness. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids are sardines, tuna, cold water fish, flax seeds, walnuts etc.

16. Avocado Can Eradicate Dryness In An Instant

The fatty avocado can not only make you fair with its skin lightening properties, but can also remove all the dryness from the top layer of your skin. Consume avocados every day for keeping your skin free from dryness. Along with that, mash avocados to form a paste along with lemon juice. Apply all over the skin and leave it for half an hour. Remove the paste from your skin and wash with cold water. Top it with a warm bath for best results.

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