Fitness Tips For Office Workers

Fitness Tips For Office Workers

Fitness Tips For Office Workers

Most people who are working in an office are leading a sedentary lifestyle. This is because they spend most of their time sitting in front of the computer or behind their desk. As a result, many people are suffering from hypertension, obesity and other illnesses brought about by lack of exercise. As they say, the more you move, the less vulnerable you become to the adverse effects of stress and anxiety which could prelude the existence of other diseases as well. Working in an office should not deprive you of the chance to exercise and become physically fit.

Many people even eat lunch in front of the computer without getting up from their desks. Research has found out that even small breaks of up to a minute or so makes a positive difference.

The following are some helpful tips on how you can still manage to exercise despite being in an office or in any workplace.

10. Fitness Tips For Office Workers

1. Exercise Regularly

Before you make your way to the office, make sure you have done a few exercises. They will open up your muscles and refresh your neurons. If you do not get enough time to exercise early in the morning, try opting for sitting exercises that you could possibly try out in your office for just 10 minutes after every 2 or 3 hours.

2. Healthy Breakfast

Skipping breakfast or starvation is not the solution of obesity or being over-weight. Instead you should have a healthy breakfast containing those foods which are really helpful for weight loss. According to recent studies, office workers who skip breakfast usually eat more unhealthy foods during lunch time and those who start their day with a healthy breakfast, eat less during rest of the day and hence prevent themselves from over eating. In addition, starting your day with a healthy breakfast, signal your brain and stomach to start working to digest it. This wakes up the system and warms up the metabolism so it's ready to work throughout the day. While skipping the breakfast, signal your body to conserve the energy it has because it isn't getting any more through food. Such situations, actually slows your metabolism down, which results in a decrease in the amount of calories you burn all day long.

3. Keep A Strict Eye On your Diet
Instead of taking a single, huge meal, it is better to take frequent, smaller meals. Divide your daily calorie intake into approximately 5 parts, and eat after a uniform interval of approximately an hour and a half. This will keep your supply of nutrition consistent and won’t let your energy level fall at any time during the day. If you primarily purchase food from your office canteen, ensure that your choices are healthy. Fat-rich and sugar-laden edibles lead to poor health.

4. Start with your commute

Walk or bike to work. If you ride the bus or the subway, get off a few blocks early or at an earlier stop than usual and walk the rest of the way. If you drive to work, park at the far end of the parking lot — or park in the lot for a nearby building. In your building, take the stairs rather than the elevator.

5. Take A Stand

The treadputer might be the Holy Grail of office fitness, but if that’s not feasible, see if you can set up a standing desk. Or at least see if you can incorporate more standing into your day: A recent study reportedly found that the mere act of standing in 15-minute increments four times a day left participants feeling more focused and energized.

6. Take Fitness Breaks

Rather than hanging out in the lounge with coffee or a snack, take a brisk walk or do some gentle stretching. For example, face straight ahead, then lower your chin to your chest. Or, while standing, grab one of your ankles — or your pant leg — and bring it up toward your buttock. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.

7. Exercise During Break Time

Instead of just loitering in the pantry during breaks, take the time to go out for some short walks. You may also choose to stay inside your office during break time and do some stretching exercises. Some

companies provide a designated area in the workplace where employees can have the chance to play table tennis or other sports at the end of each working day.

8. Bring A Fitness Ball To work

Consider trading your desk chair for a firmly inflated fitness or stability ball, as long as you're able to safely balance on the ball. You'll improve your balance and tone your core muscles while sitting at your desk. Use the fitness ball for wall squats or other exercises during the day.

9. Organize A Fitness Group

Convince your boss and your office mates to come up with a fitness group where everybody helps one another stick to an exercise regimen. Schedule regular sessions of exercise in the workplace every after office hours. You may even grab a fitness partner and be accountable for each other’s fitness regimen. Tell your office mates to take turns in reading emails at somebody else’s computer. This way, everybody will have the chance to walk away from their own desk just to read emails.

10. Nurture Your Body With 6 Hours of Sleeping Time

If you give your body regular sleep during the night, you won’t feel tired or restless at your desk. Sleep replenishes your energy level so you are able to focus yourself on your tasks and feel interested in your work. However, if you do not get optimum sleeping time, you will develop more vulnerability to health problems, irritation behavior, stress, moodiness, impatience, and burnouts.

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