We all secretly desire for fair complexion even people with fair complexion also desire for more fairer skin. Men and Women constantly try to enhance their complexion by using various skin products available in the market even some of them spend a lot of money on commercial products including creams and lotions but don't get the desired results. In this article i will share some natural remedies that have been successfully used by people in the past to get fair complexion. You can also try them and see the magic of natural ingredients.
17. Best Natural Tips to Get Fair Complexion
1. Almonds and Milk
Soak 4 almonds overnight. Make a very fine paste with them, using milk to grind them.
Apply this paste on the neck and face before going to bed. Wash with cold water in the morning. Repeat daily for 15 days, followed by twice a week.
2. Almond and Rose Water
Using almonds for good skin texture may also give good results. Take some almonds and soak them in cold water and leave it overnight. The following morning, prepare a paste by grinding the almonds. Add some rose water to the paste and apply it on the face and other parts of the body.
3. Yogurt and Lemon Juice
In 1 tablespoonful of yogurt add 8-10 drops of lemon juice. Mix well and apply as a night cream. You can add a drop of Lavender or Rose oil to this. Apply on the neck as well. Lemon juice is great for lightening skin, if your skin cannot tolerate lemon juice use tomato puree instead.
4. Milk, Lemon Juice, Gram flour and Rose Water
Combine two tablespoons of milk with one tablespoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of gram flour, and 2 tablespoons of rose water. Mix ingredients together and apply once a day for 15 minutes. You should start noticing results in one week.
5. Curd
Application of curd helps to improve your complexion fast. Curd, rich in lactic acid, is very effective skin-whitening agent which imparts glow and softness to your skin naturally .Furthermore, If your use curd on a regular basis, it helps to shield your skin against harmful sun rays and it makes your skin flawless too.
6. Egg Yolk, Honey and Curd
Egg yolk is best home remedy for fair skin. Take the yolk. Put it in a bowl and crush it into paste. Add a spoon of honey and curd to it and mix it properly. Now you should put this mixture on your face as a face pack. Allow it to dry and then wash off with cold water. Do this daily for at least two to three months to notice results.
7. Orange Peel Powder with Curd
Take orange peels and have them dried in the sun. Afterwards, blend orange peel powder with curd. Apply this mixture to exfoliate your face that results in making your skin clear and fair. You can use this facial mask daily.
8. Hot Oil Body Massage
Indulge in the hot oil body massage for relaxation and also to get fairer skin. Choose base oil such as almond oil, coconut oil or olive oil. To this, add crushed neem and tusli leaves and warm gently. Apply this all over your body and massage well. Keep for 30 minutes and get into the shower. Hot oil massage increases the blood circulation all over the body and thus reduces tan.
9. Make a Papaya Mask
A face pack made of cosmetic clay, mashed ripe papaya, and cucumber juice will tighten and lighten the skin. You can also just rub the inner part of the skin of a papaya on your face. Let it dry, then wash your face with cold water and wipe dry. This will give your skin a nice glow.
10. Mango Peels and Milk
Mango peels mixed with 1 spoon of milk can be applied on face and neck to impart healthy glow to your face and neck.
11. Watermelon
Apply the chunks of water melon on your face on summer at least thrice a day to ensure that your face doesn’t turn dark from fair due to tan. You should note that watermelon can be used a precaution and it cannot be used as after effect.
12. Barley Flour, Egg Yolk, Curd and Rose Water
Mix together barley flour, egg yolk, curd and rose water. Smear this amazing skin-whitening fairness mask on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash off with cold water and see how complexions blooms like a rose if used regularly.
13. Make a Lemon Honey Mask.
Make mixture of lemon juice and honey. Apply it to your face and leave it for 20 minutes, then wash it off. If you have dry skin, use cucumber instead of lemon. Apply a mixture of equal amounts of cucumber juice and honey on the face and full body for 15 minutes, then wash it off.
14. Carrot Juice, Almonds and Orange Juice
Mix one spoon of carrot juice, 2 almonds, and one spoon of orange juice and apply on the face. This homemade fairness face mask helps to clear all types of facial blemishes apart from making your skin fair and beautiful.
15. Egg White, Honey, Carrot juice and Kaolin Powder
Make a fairness face pack at home using egg white, half a spoon of honey, half a spoon of carrot juice and half a spoon of kaolin powder. Apply it facial mask to your clean face and wash off with water and pat dry.
16. Aloe vera Gel
Gel of aloe vera is rich in anti oxidants, moisture and vitamins that help in repairing damaged skin and improving skin complexion. This gel also acts as a natural scrub and should be massaged in circular motion for removing dead cells and dirt from skin.
17. Rose water
Rose water promises you a fair skin in very less time. You canpurchase already available rose petals or simply peel off rose petals and allow them to soak in water for a day. Now apply this water on face regularly. If possible, whenever you wash your face, you can wash with rose water. Remember not to apply soap when you wash your face with rose water. There are many cases wherein people used rose water and got not just fair complexion but close to pink complexion.