Top  Body Care Tips For Women

Top Body Care Tips For Women

Top Body Care Tips For Women

Every person likes to take special care of their body. While makeup and various other beauty products will do much to enhance our looks, unless and until we take good care of our bodies, the end result won’t always be pleasing. Although there are numerous skin care products on the market that promise to give you smooth and flawless skin, they can be expensive and some even have harsh ingredients that can damage your skin. So here are a few body care tips to make sure you take care of your body.

Top 15 Body Care Tips For Women

1. Remove Dark Spots on Face

Apply buttermilk on your dark spots using a cotton ball. Leave it on for a few minutes before washing the area with water. If you have oily skin or acne, you can also add some lemon juice to the buttermilk. Another option is to mix four teaspoons of buttermilk and two teaspoons of tomato juice together and then apply this mixture on the affected skin.

Repeat either of these remedies once or twice daily until you are satisfied with the results.

2. Brightening Lip Scrub

If your lips look dull and tired, try to refreshen and brighten them up using this simple lip scrub: mix 1 tea spoon of sugar, one tea spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 tea spoon of honey; massage your lips with this simple homemade scrub for a minute or two and see your lips brighten up; dullness will disappear and your lips will look more pink.

3. Reduce Wrinkles Around The Eyes

You can also use fresh orange juice for decreasing wrinkles around the eyes. Dip a cotton swab in fresh orange juice and use around them twice daily, morning and in the evening. Ensure you do not get the fresh orange juice in your eye. After a few weeks, you will find a recognizable decrease in line and wrinkles. 

4. Treating Puffy Tired Eyes

The easiest way to get rid of puffy eyes is to drink water. When the body is well hydrated, there is less chance of water retention that can cause your under-eye area and other parts of your body to swell. To stay well hydrated, drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water each day.
  • Treating Puffy Tired Eyes With Cucumber 
  • Cut a cucumber into thick slices.
  • Chill the slices in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  • Place the cold slices on your eyelids for about 10 minutes or until they become warm.
  • Repeat the process several times a day.

  1. Treating Puffy Tired Eyes With Tea Bags
  2. Soak 2 teabags in hot water for a few minutes, then take them out and let them cool down.
  3. Lie down, put the tea bags over your eyelids and cover them with a soft cloth.
  4. Leave them in place for 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Repeat a few times a day.

5. Soft Glowing Skin

You need a teaspoon of rose water, lime juice (1 teaspoon), glycerin of same quantity. Now mix all the ingredients really well and store it in a bottle. Now, you need to apply this solution like oil throughout your body before bath to get a soft and glowing skin tone.

6. Treating Dark Elbows And Knees

Cut a large lemon into two equal halves. Squeeze out a little juice from both halves, so as that you have two small cups. Scrub each lemon half onto your elbows and knees for 10 to 15 minutes. Rub away the pulp. Keep the cleansed areas away from sunlight by staying indoor or covering them with some loose clothing. However, do not put water on the cleansed areas. Moisturize the areas with pure petroleum jelly or vaseline. Your elbows or knees will feel smoother and softer. Repeat this process every day for a couple of weeks to see significant improvement. Continue with this treatment till your elbows and knees are lightened, and thereafter as and when needed.

7. Treating Warts Around The Fingers
Soak a cotton ball or a piece of cotton fabric in apple cider vinegar. Allow it to saturate, and then gently press out the excess liquid so that it is not dripping all over when you apply it. Place it over your wart, and secure it with a strip of gauze or cloth. Do this every night and remove during the day-you can leave it on during the day as well! It is not instant, but the wart should die and come off within 1-2 weeks.

Alternatively, scrape the whitish mush off the inside of banana peel, and apply it to your wart. Wash your hands well afterwards to keep the warts from spreading. Repeat this twice a day on a daily basis until the wart is gone.

8. Healthy And Brittle Nails

The high calcium content in milk strengthens nails and makes them grow faster. Try to drink at least one glass of milk daily. It has been found that lack of calcium in the body can cause the nails to be brittle and dry. To allow the body to fully absorb the calcium, have your milk with foods rich in vitamin D such as eggs, mushrooms and others.

Mix one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and three tablespoons of olive oil in a small bowl. Heat it in the microwave for a few seconds, until the mixture feels warm to the touch. Apply it to your nails using a clean cotton swab before going to bed. Wear gloves and leave it on overnight.

9. To Get Smooth Skin

One of the most important things you can do for smooth and glowing skin is drink plenty of water. Your aim should be to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Water helps the body flush out toxins and waste. However, avoid sugary drinks, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

Also try to eat fruits and vegetables that are high in water content. Washing your face at least twice a day with water will also help improve your skin’s health and appearance.

10. Sagging Skin

Mix two to three teaspoons of honey and a few drops each of lemon juice and olive oil. Apply it on your face and neck, let it dry and then rinse it off with warm water. Do this once or twice daily for best results.

You can also mix together one-half tablespoon each of honey and sour cream. Then mix in one-half teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water and then splash some cold water. Use this face mask once a week.

11. Natural Conditioner For Hair

Yogurt works great and is the best conditioner for damaged hair when mixed with egg white. This hair pack relieves your tresses of damage. Beat an egg white until it is nice and smooth, add five to six tablespoons of yogurt to this mixture, and blend again. Massage into your hair and keep it covered in a shower cap, leave the homemade conditioner mask for 15 to 30 minutes and wash with a mild shampoo.

12. Reduce Dandruff

Fenugreek seeds have a composition that is rich in protein and amino acids, encouraging healthy hair/hair growth and warding off those wicked flakes in the process. A little bonus-its high concentration of lecithin (a natural emollient) can help make hair stronger overall, and many people find that it leaves their hair silky smooth and soft. Soak the seeds in 1-2 cups of water overnight. The next morning, grind them into a fine paste and apply to your scalp. Leave it applied for 30-45 minutes, then wash with mild shampoo or water.

13. Treating Dark Neck

Haven’t you ever heard about lemon having the natural bleaching properties? They can certainly help in fading the neck darkness quite naturally. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and rose water. Apply this serum on your dark neck skin and go to bed at night everyday. Do this daily for a month or so, to see visible lightening results.

14. Softening Rough Hands And Feet

To get rid of dry, flaky and cracked skin on feet and hands you can use a mixture of honey and aloe vera gel. Extract fresh aloe Vera gel and mix it with equal amount of honey. Mix both the ingredients well and then massage your hands/feet using this mixture. Let it stay for 10 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. This mixture will make your skin nourished, hydrated and will also prevent cracked dry skin. Repeat it 2-3 times a week for best results.

15. Get Your Beauty Sleep

During sleep is the ideal time for your body to regenerate and renew so it's really important you get a good night's slumber. Lack of sleep can really show on your skin so make sure you dedicate some time before bed to unwinding and pampering - you'll really see the difference in the mirror! Why not indulge in a relaxing bubble bath before bed to unwind and prepare yourself for a good night's sleep.

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