Most people experience dry skin problems at some point in their lives. Dry skin is usually caused by environmental conditions, genetics or excessive bathing and can occur anywhere on the body. If you suffer from dry skin, don't worry there are many things you can do to hydrate your skin and prevent it from drying out again. The skin reflects your beauty and age. A glowing and soft skin makes you look young. Due to hectic life schedule, you don't get time to care for your skin. Continuous ignorance and lack of moisture may lead to rough and dry skin. This is why, wrinkles and lose skin are visible at an early age. However, if you want to get rid of rough and dry skin then take a look at some natural tips to have baby soft skin.
12. Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Dry, Rough Skin
1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains high quantities of plant collagen, which helps heal the skin. It’s most effective form is pure aloe vera gel, which you can buy or extract from aloe vera leaves. Using aloe vera gel for stretch marks is similar to using a face mask; it needs to be left on the skin, ideally, for about an hour or two to absorb, so that you might see full benefits of the treatment, before rinsing it away with water. Doing this regularly will moisturize the skin and speed up its healing process.
2. Clean your Skin

It’s important to clean off any makeup, dirt, grease, food residue, or whatever else may be on your face. The oil cleansing method is a great way to wash your face, since it naturally cleans and dissolves the bad oils on your skin, without drying out the delicate facial skin.
3. Change your Products
You may need to change the products you use, according to changes in your skin or the time of year. In colder months, you may to switch to a richer moisturizer. In summer, you should use one with an SPF. If you have combination skin, it may be necessary to use a lighter moisturizer on the parts of your skin that gets oily (like your t-zone) and a heavier one where your skin gets dry.
Be careful when choosing a facial or body cleanser, as some cleansers can strip moisture from the skin. Opt for a gentle cream or milk cleanser that will moisturize the skin as it cleanses. Also try to stay away from heavily-fragranced cleansers as the chemicals behind scents can be drying
4. Drink up

While staying hydrated hasn't been scientifically proven to reduce wrinkles, experts say it certainly can't hurt. In fact, drinking about two cups of water increases blood flow to the skin, which may improve your complexion. To maintain the water balance in your body, drink the suggested eight (8-ounce) glasses of water a day (about 1.9 liters)
5. Baby Lotion
Apply baby lotion as a moisturizer on your skin as it is free from harmful chemicals unlike other moisturizers, which are used by adults. Baby oil is one of the best moisturizers that can be applied to heal dry and rough skin. You can add a teaspoon or 2 of baby oil in your bath water for a long-lasting smoothness. You can also apply glycerine oil or petroleum jelly to have a soft skin.
6. Glycerin And Rosewater

Glycerin and rosewater is a good combination for dry skin. Mix 2-3 drops of glycerin in a tablespoon of rose water. Mix well and apply that on your skin after taking bath. It works as moisturizer and keeps your skin soft and supple. Add this rose water and glycerin in your daily skin care routine.
7. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil makes the skin feel softer and removes its previous scaly characteristic by moistening it in a natural way. Coconut oil has sufficient amounts of fatty acid that make up for any loss of moisture from the skin. It works best when left on for an entire night. Apply proper amount before going to sleep and wash it off in the morning; do this every night.
8. Olive oil

Olive oil is natural oil that is highly effective in treating dry skin. Gently massage olive oil all over face and neck using circular motions. Olive oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty
acids. These essential fats help nourish dry skin and make it smooth and supple.
9. Coffee with Olive oil

To stimulate the area where you have stretch marks apply some coffee grinds mixed with olive oil and massage this paste into the problematic section of your skin for about 5 minutes. Coffee grinds will gently exfoliate and stimulate your skin and olive oil will naturally moisturize and soften it (you can also use liquid coconut oil, instead). Do this about 3 times a week and you will soon notice
significant positive difference.
10. Olive Oil And Egg Yolk

The characteristics of the olive oil and egg yolk makes their amalgamation a must have for those who have dry skin. Olive oil is one of the key secret ingredients used in practices of taking care of flaky dry skin. It is a popular natural antioxidant enriched with vitamin E and K that works wonders when a teaspoon of it is combined with two egg yolks and whipped together to obtain a stable consistency. The egg yolks have vitamin A that controls the shedding of the skin and make it soft and smooth. For better results, add a few drops of lime juice and rose water.
11. Almond Oil

Almond oil is an excellent skin-softener and a very good source of Vitamin E, which is an important nutrient for skin care. Due to its non-greasiness, you can readily apply it over your face if you have
extra dry facial skin. Use it as a moisturiser, and massage it for about 5 minutes.
Note- This remedy should be avoided if you are allergic to dry fruits or nuts.
12. Grape Seed Oil
Massage on the face using grape seed oil to remove dry skin on the face since it is one of the best home remedies for such skin related issues . From acne to wrinkles, dry flaky skin from sunburn, whatever the problem is, grape seed oil is the best solution.