The vitamin B family is a useful group that targets some of the most common health issues of modern society, including fatigue, stress, depression, high cholesterol and brain and heart health. These essential nutrients help convert our food into fuel, allowing us to stay energized throughout the day. While many of the following vitamins work in tandem, each has its own specific benefits — from promoting healthy skin and hair to preventing memory loss or migraines.
Vitamin B complex includes a bunch of water soluble vitamins that share common characteristics and hence grouped under one name. All B vitamins are extremely, important and considered essential micronutrients that must be obtained to ensure optimal health and well- being. Vitamin B complex can be consumed in moderate concentration via diet and nutritional supplements with minimal risk of toxicity since excessive doses are excreted in urine.
Vitamin B complex maintains and modulates essential biological mechanisms in the body that are discussed briefly below:
Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex
1. Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine)
Thiamin is also known as vitamin B1. The water-soluble vitamin that is required for the proper metabolism of starch and sugar in order to provide energy to the body. Thiamin also plays an integral role in nerve function. B-1 also helps the heart and other muscles function properly.
B1 can be taken in foods such as fortified with thiamin whole wheat, bran, soybeans, meats seeds (especially sesame seeds), legumes, wheat germ, nuts, yeast, pork and molasses. B1 is also found in potatoes, seafood, liver, beans, fish, peanuts, oranges and kidney beans.
2. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
This B vitamin works as an antioxidant to help fight free radicals (particles in the body that damage cells) and may prevent early aging and the development of heart disease. Riboflavin is also important for red blood cell production, which is necessary for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Several studies suggest B2 can help stave off migraines, but more research is needed to be sure. And be careful, while sunlight does the body good, ultraviolet light reduces the riboflavin content in food sources. Milk, for instance, is best purchased in opaque containers in order to keep this vitamin from breaking down.
B2 is also found in Almonds, wild rice, milk, yogurt, eggs, Brussels sprouts, spinach and soybeans
3. Vitamin B3
Niacin is needed for proper functioning of the digestive system - it plays a role in the production of hydrochloric acid, which is needed for good digestive function. It also acts to guard pancreas health.
Vitamin B3 is helps to improve circulatory function as well as reduce blood serum cholesterol levels by inhibiting its accumulation in the arteries and in the liver. Niacin helps to increase the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) and lower the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. Additionaly, it may increase the effectiveness of certain medicines which are prescribed to reduce cholestorol.
Niacin, works in conjunction with chromium to help regulate and stabilize blood sugar levels by promoting proper insulin function. Tuna, chicken, turkey, salmon, lamb, beef, sardines, peanuts and brown rice are good natural sources of Vitamin B3.
4. Vitamin B4 (Choline)
Sometimes referred to as Vitamin B4, choline is a member of the B-complex family also known as Adenine, (Although not officially deemed a Vitamin per the FDA definition, make no mistake about it) is an essential and vital nutrient for our health. Vitamin B4 is also one of the water-soluble vitamins that aids in weight loss. This nutrient is a fat emulsifier that works with the nutrient inositol. Choline and inositol use the cholesterol and fats in the body to prevent weight gain and promote weight loss. Without choline, the excess fats that are digested get trapped in the liver and block fat
metabolism which leads to weight gain. Foods that contain choline should be included in daily meals in order to get rid of the excess fats gained from eating fatty foods.
Some of the foods that contain choline are peanuts, cucumber, cauliflower, wheat germ, soybeans and soybean products, egg yolk, peanut butter, potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, banana, milk, butter. oranges, lentils, oats, barley, corn, sesame seeds, flax seeds, whole wheat bread , Brewer’s yeast, propolis, bee pollen, raw unadulterated honey, royal jelly, beef heart, and beef liver. Adenine is also found in the various herbs such as Ginseng root, blue cohosh, blessed thistle, ginger, burdock, cascara sagrada, capsicum (cayenne), caraway, catnip, cloves, and couch grass.
5. Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 helps in reducing body fatigue and weariness and it sets the metabolic activities of the entire body on the right track. This means that this vitamin is capable of increasing the stamina of the human body to perform various tasks in an efficient and healthy way. This is a massive benefit of this vitamin, especially from the point of view of active individuals and athletes.
More than anything else, Vitamin B5 helps to keep the skin healthy and attractive in appearance. It also helps to delay the appearance of premature aging signs on the skin like wrinkles and age spots. Studies have also shown that Vitamin B5 plays an important role in the pigmentation of hair and prevents it from losing its color until you are well into your older years.
Vitamin B5 has been shown to enhance the level of hemoglobin in our bodies. It also assists the liver in metabolizing toxic substances. Finally, it is a fuel source for cell division and DNA reproduction.
Rich sources of pantothenic acid include liver and kidney, yeast, egg yolk, and broccoli. Fish, shellfish, chicken, milk, yogurt, legumes, mushrooms, avocado, and sweet potatoes are also good sources.
6. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Along with fellow B vitamins 12 and 9, B6 helps regulate levels of the amino acid homocysteine (associated with heart disease). Pyridoxine is a major player in mood and sleep patterns because it helps the body produce serotonin, melatonin and norepinephrine, a stress hormone. Some studies suggest vitamin B6 can reduce inflammation for people with conditions like rheumatioid arthritis.
B6 is also found in Chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, lentils, sunflower seeds, cheese, brown rice and carrots.
7. Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Vitamin B7 (biotin) is needed for energy metabolism, fat synthesis, amino acid metabolism and glycogen synthesis. Biotin improves blood-sugar control.
People who exercise often have an increased need for biotin for several reasons: Increased metabolism resulting in the loss of this vitamin in urine or sweat, need for tissue repair and maintenance The richest source of Biotin is cooked eggs. B7 is made by intestinal bacteria and is also in peanuts, liver, egg yolks, bananas, whole grains, organ meats, soybeans, fish, cauliflower, peanuts, liver, chicken, yeast clams, milk watermelon, and grapefruit.
8. Vitamin B8 (Inositol)
Vitamin B8 (Inositol) is an other important B Vitamin. Perhaps because it is integral to so many of our staple food sources, the body has found countless ways to put Inositol or Vitamin B8 to work. One of its main functions is to help break down fat and then transport lipids away from cells. This action fires metabolism and may be responsible for the supplement’s weight loss effects. Overall, the presence of Inositol elevates levels of good HDL cholesterol. This results in better blood flow through the arteries and lower blood pressure overall. Because of this, high blood pressure stress reactions are also protected against.
Foods are the best sources for Vitamin B8 Inositol. Among those that supply the body with this essential nutrient include beef heart, brown rice, cereals, citrus fruits, desiccated liver and fresh liver, green leafy vegetables, lecithin granules, lecithin oil, molasses, nuts, soy flour, wheat germ, and whole grain bread.
9. Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)
Folic acid is necessary to help regulate the formation of both red and white blood cells. It also aids in the elimination of homocysteine from the body, a blood toxin which can negatively impact the heart muscle and contribute to the deposit of cholesterol in the heart.
Vitamin B9 can help in the treatment of patients suffering from anemia resulting from a folic acid deficiency. Synthetic folic acid supplements can be used to treat these disorders resulting from folate deficiency. Folic acid supplements may also be included as part of the prescribed treatment of particularly menstruation-related problems and some leg ulcers.
Vitamin B9 is found in a wide variety of foods. Its richest sources are liver, dark green leafy vegetables, beans, wheat germ and yeast. Other sources are egg yolk, milk and dairy products, beets, orange juice and whole wheat bread.
10. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
This B vitamin is a total team player. Cobalamin works with vitamin B9 to produce red blood cells and help iron do its job: create the oxygen carrying protein, hemogloblin. Since vitamin B12 is only found in animal products, studies show higher rates of non-meat eaters with a deficiency. “But unless you are a strict vegan or vegetarian,” Zuckerbrot says, “it’s not hard to get enough of this vitamin in your diet.” For those who are deficient,it may be necessary to supplement the diet with B12.
B12 is also found in Fish, shellfish, dairy, eggs, beef and pork.