Oily skin can be caused by various factors like hormones, over secretions of sebaceous glands, hereditary conditions or the environment(humidity and hot weather). Although there is no way you can stop your skin from turning oily, however certain things you can do at home can lessen the oiliness, refine the pores and brighten a dull complexion.
17. Amazing Natural Tips To Get Rid of Oily Skin
1. Wash Your Face Regularly

Water supports almost every home remedies for diseases why not for oily skin. Wash your oily face regular but not more than three times because washing more than three or several times reduces required moisturizer.
2. Healthy Eating

Those who take a lot of junk food and high level of sugars, they complain often about more oil and grease on the skin. So, you should eat fresh fruits and vegetables more, it will help in preventing facial acne as well as the grease.
3. Avoid Stress

Stress is a common reason for making skin oily. Lack of sleep, office tensions, family tensions are some of the common causes of stress. This condition causes increase in the oil producing hormones in body and also makes skin look old. Hence try medication, yoga, exercises or watch some comedy movie to stay happy and have a fresh looking skin.
4. Diet Recommendations To Get Rid of Oily Skin

Healthy diet for oily hair includes fresh drinking water, Vitamin A and B-6 containing foods, anti- inflammatory foods like Omega-3 (fish oil) and fresh green vegetable. Avoid food fried and junk food as much possible.
5. Intake of Fresh Fruits And Vegetables
It is necessary to consume a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables. Food that is lightly cooked and nutritious will go a long way to maintain healthy looking skin.
6. Green Clay And Honey
In a medium bowl mix 1teaspoon of green clay powder with 1teaspoon of honey. After you've obtained the right mixture all you have to do is apply it on the affected sections.
Leave the facial on for 15 minutes then wash it off with tepid water. Repeat this treatment at least twice a week to make sure you do everything to prevent the formation of acne and blackheads.
7. Almond Meal Scrub

Ground almonds are full of nutrients that are great for your skin, and make a great natural exfoliant. Mix a tablespoon of ground almond meal (make your own by blending a few almonds) with honey to form a paste. Rub it over your entire face for 1-2 minutes before rinsing off with warm water and dabbing your face with a toner.
8. Cucumber And lemon

All those natural fruits which contain citrus acid have the ability to freshen up the skin. Also, they help in cleaning the skin pores and eliminating the dead cells. By taking an equal amount of lemon juice and cucumber paste and mixing them together, you can get a healthy paste which will absorb all the oil from the skin, once applied. If you apply this mixture every time before taking shower, you will see the fruitful results soon.
9. Cucumber And Lime Juice

Create the secret recipe to get rid of oily skin in a flash. Mix 1tsp of cucumber juice with lime juice and use a cotton ball to apply it on the greasy sections at least 30 minutes before taking a bath. This is one of the expert tricks you can also use during your revitalizing beauty sesh. Let your pores absorb this treatment and provide your skin cells with the necessary antioxidant dose.
10. Lemon Powder

Lemon or lemon powder is one of the best natural cleansers for oily skin care since from the start of skin care practice. Fresh squeezed lemon used as strong and powerful cleanser that is effective for all types of skin. Lemon powder provides the best natural cleansing and toning effect on your face by cleaning all dead cells
11. Egg Yolk

The egg yolks are known for their property for removing the oil and grease from the pores. It’s one of the finest natural deep cleansers. You just need to beat the yolk finely and apply for 15 minutes. Once dried, you can wash the face and pat with cloth.
12. Cornstarch

Use cornstarch to dry up oily skin. Mix 1-3T cornstarch with a bit of warm water (enough to make a paste). Rub gently on the face and allow to dry. Then, rinse off with lukewarm water. Use this treatment daily for best results.
13. Salt

Salt is a wonderful desiccant (drying agent). Add a teaspoon of salt to tepid water in a small spray bottle. Close your eyes and mist your face once a day, and blot dry. Do not rinse.
14. Alcohol-Free/Acetone-Free Toner

After you cleanse your skin, use an alcohol-free/acetone-free toner because these drying agents cause the body to produce excess oil in order to protect the skin. A few drops on a cotton ball or pad, wiped gently over the face, will do the trick in balancing and toning the skin
15. Aloe Vera

The extract of this plant is extremely beneficial for all the skin types. It attaining a flawless complexion. Also, it helps in absorbing the oil from the skin, so you can apply it once a day and wash the face after 15 minutes helps in getting a glow and .
Most of the above tips will help you to properly control the oiliness on your face and skin. All these tips combined together will help you get skin that will be easier to manage and look less oily.
16. Drink Plenty of Water

Drink enough water through the day on a daily basis, at least 8 to 10 glasses of water if not more. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet as this will help to detoxify our body.
17. Orange Peel And Rose Water

Orange peel has astringent oils which controls oil secretion. Dry the orange peel and grind them into powder Make a paste by mixing orange peel powder and rose water Apply this on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. This mix will also help to reduce any blackheads and blemishes on the skin.