Taking vitamin and mineral supplements in addition to a balanced daily diet can give your body the nutritional support it needs for optimal metabolism. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that two in three Americans need to control their weight. Being overweight increases your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. According to nutritionists, all the most popular diets (those emphasizing high or low levels of protein, carbohydrates and fat) lead to deficiencies in important vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamins A and C, thiamin, iron and calcium. Low-calorie diets, typically lack folate, vitamin B12, magnesium and zinc. It is strongly suggested that you take a vitamin supplement if you are following any of these diet regimen.
Multivitamin/mineral supplements are important for those who are overweight, dieting or not. Many overweight people are nutritionally deficient.
8. Vitamin and Minerals For Weight Loss
1. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays several roles in the body including the creation of red blood cells and how well your body uses calories. It is usually found bound to protein in animal foods such as fish, chicken, and beef. Severe vitamin B12 deficiency, leading to anemia, is generally only found in people who are vegetarian or vegan, and those who have had some type of stomach surgery (such as weight loss surgery).
Some weight loss clinics give patients B12 shots claiming that the vitamin itself causes weight loss. Although this practice is not completely misguided and probably harmless, vitamin B12 via shots or pills will NOT cause weight loss. But vitamin B12 does play a role in how your body uses calories. Vitamin B12 may support energy production by helping the body convert food into energy. More energy will hopefully result in more exercise and greater motivation which will lead to safe and healthy weight control.
2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C works well with vitamin E in the antioxidant process and it can prevent harmful oxidation of cells. Vitamin C also helps in the absorption of other important vitamins and minerals such as, calcium, iron and folacin. It is also linked with healthy blood vessels, hormones, bones, collagen and teeth. Vitamin C is essential to strengthening your immune system, which is especially important when attempting a weight loss program. Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body, so it is important to make sure that every day you eat foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, green and red peppers, broccoli and dark green vegetables.
3. Vitamin D

The link between vitamin D and weight loss is not completely understood by researchers, but vitamin D can play a role in the body’s ability to lose weight. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it is stored in the body’s fat cells. It is important to not take too much vitamin D because it can result in toxicity. A supplement with 1000 IU or less of the vitamin is generally safe for most people.
Many overweight people have been found to have vitamin D deficiency, but it is unclear if the weight led to the deficiency or if the deficiency led to the weight gain. There have been studies that have shown that subjects with higher levels of vitamin D were more successful at losing weight on low-calorie diets, but the exact reason for this is still unclear.
Those trying to lose weight should get their vitamin D levels checked. Difficulty losing weight can be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. If you are deficient, a doctor may give you up to 10,000 IU to help normalize your levels.
4. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is emerging as one of the newest health vitamins that have the ability to help you lose fat in a short amount of time. Vitamin E10, especially, has been shown to double the rate at which its users were able to lose body fat. Currently, only 25 percent of Americans are estimated to get the necessary amount of this vitamin.
5. Calcium

Recent clinical studies demonstrate a positive relationship between calcium intake and weight-loss. Controlled weight loss studies indicate that increasing calcium intake by the equivalent of two dairy servings per day can reduce the risk of overweight, perhaps by as much as 70 percent. Also, it’s worth remembering that lower-calorie fat-free milk contains the same amount of calcium as full-fat milk. The same goes for low fat yogurt and reduced fat cheese
6. Chromium

This mineral has been the most widely studied weight loss nutrient. Chromium is needed to metabolize sugar and when you are deficient in chromium insulin is less effective in controlling blood sugar levels, which determine cravings and a sense of hunger. Consequently, it becomes more difficult to know when you are truly hungry, and when to burn your food as fuel, leaving more to be stored as fat. Chromium also helps to control levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood
7. Elemental Magnesium

Magnesium is also very helpful for weight loss. Elemental magnesium supplements can help treat muscle cramps while you are trying to lose weight. It also seems to curb sweet cravings. It strengthens the metabolic rate and improve digestion so that you can lose weight easily and quickly. Consult your doctor before taking this supplement if you are suffering from kidney problems.
8. Zinc

You can’t miss out on zinc, it just has too many weight loss properties that can’t be overlooked. For starters it can help you if you have a slow metabolism. This alone will help with everything else you’re doing to lose weight. It also gets your body producing more of the thyroid hormone responsible for maintaining your healthy weight.
No need to buy it in supplement form unless you aren’t getting enough meat, seafood, nuts, and other zinc-containing foods, in which case it is available in pill form.