Every woman out there loves to have perfectly shaped breasts and wants them to remain that way throughout her life. Sadly, that doesn’t happen in most cases. Breast sagging is a natural process wherein the breasts lose their suppleness and elasticity, and begin to sag down. Although this physical process would most usually set in when the woman reaches her mid- 40s’, certain factors can lead to a woman developing saggy breasts at a very young age itself (even in her 20s’.)
Finding out the exact reason for saggy breasts is half the battle won in trying to find out a way to correct them. Accordingly, some of the most common causes for saggy breasts in women include negligence, improper care, childbirth, breastfeeding, nutritional deficiencies, age, existing medical ailments like breast cancer and tuberculosis etc., wrong sized bras, menopause and of course the earth’s gravitational pull.
Following are some of the home remedies that can help you get rid of sagging breasts and achieve the firmness you desire. Exercises and massage are actually the best ways to keep your breasts firm and in proper shape, but we will explore many more of the home remedies below.Best Home Remedies For Firming Sagging Breasts
14. Best Home Remedies For Firming Sagging Breast
1. Breast Exercise
Certain exercises could make the sagging breast firm. Soft connective tissues hold together the milk ducts, fat cells and glands present in the breast. Breasts are devoid of muscles. Exercises cannot reduce the size of the breast, but they can tighten and tone the breasts. The easiest and most popular exercise is to do push-ups, which strengthen the pectoral muscles beneath the breasts. Overall, it will help to shape up the breast and reduce the excess fat deposits around the chest. Lifting weights can also strengthen pectoral muscles, including arm curls, chest presses, dumbbell flys (on your back, arms out to the sides, rising above you), and many other variations you can try that make you feel your chest muscles working.
2. Yoga Pose
The benefits of yoga for the entire body have been widely studied, and it is primarily a mechanism of toning the body and increasing flexibility. Some of that toning can occur within the breast, depending on which positions you commonly practice. Different yoga styles focus on different parts of the body, so those that focus on the upper body, shoulders, pectorals, or upper arms are best for adding firmness to breasts. Some of the best positions for strengthening the chest muscles are the Triangle Pose, the Cobra Pose, and the Standing Forward Bend. Certain yoga positions also battle the effects of gravity, which is a major component of sagging breasts. Try headstands, back-bends, and the Inverted Leg Stretch to reverse some of the negative effects of gravity on your breasts
3. Ice Massages

Ice can help tone the skin in and around the breast region. All you need to do is rub a few ice cubes over your breasts in wide circular motions. Alternatively, you can also wrap some crushed ice in a soft cloth and use the same to massage your breasts. Massage for no more than 1 minute as too much exposure to ice can cause numbness. Opt for this massage at regular intervals throughout the day to firm your breast muscles and skin.
4. Aloe vera

Aloe vera has natural skin-tightening properties that can help get rid of sagging breasts. The antioxidants in aloe vera prevent damage caused by free radicals and help firm sagging breasts.
Apply aloe vera gel onto your breasts and massage gently in a circular motion for 10 minutes. Allow it to sit for another 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Repeat this remedy 4 or 5 times a week to get effective results.
You can also prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 1 teaspoon each of mayonnaise and honey. Apply this onto your breasts and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse it off first with warm water and then use cold water. Do this once a week.
5. Olive Oil

Massaging your breasts with olive oil is an excellent technique to firm sagging breasts. Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants and fatty acids that can reverse the damage caused by free radicals and prevent sagging breasts. Plus, it will help improve the skin tone and texture.
Put some olive oil onto your palms and rub them together to generate heat. Rub your palms over your breasts in an upward motion. Massage gently for about 15 minutes to increase blood flow and stimulate cell repair. Follow this remedy at least 4 or 5 times per week.
6. Essential Oils
Carrot oil, cypress oil, fennel oil, lemongrass oil, and spearmint oil are some of the essential oils which can also help or be used to increase the firmness of sagging breasts. Do not use more than 2 drops every time you massage the breast as they are very strong and can cause a burning sensation. It would be best to use them in a mixture along with other vegetable oils.
7. Vegetable Oil
Massaging your breasts with vegetable oils can also be beneficial for toning the breast skin and tissues. Excellent examples include almond oil and grape seed oil, both of which would help firm and nourish the breast skin. For better results, you can mix two drops of any essential oil along with the vegetable oils before rubbing them on your breasts.
8. Almond Oil And Milk Cream Mask
The skin and beauty benefits of almond oil is well known, and it has widespread application in a wide range of cosmetics, skin and hair care products. It works as a nourishing moisturizer that is easily absorbed by the skin. The most effective way of toning and firming breasts is by moisturizing the tissues through a nourishing breast massage. Lack of moisture in the breast tissues causes loss of elasticity, thus leading to sagging breasts.
Being a rich source of nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamins A, D, E along with oleic and linoleic acids, almond oil helps in fighting cell damage and prevent premature skin aging caused by free radicals. It also helps in tightening the tissues, repairing and rejuvenating damaged skin. Milk cream or “malai” is an age old natural remedy that helps in moisturizing and hydrating dry skin to give it a lively, supple and perky look.
Take 4 -5 tablespoons of fresh milk cream and add 2 tablespoons of almond oil to it, mix well and apply on the breasts evenly, massage in soft circular and upward motion for 10 minutes and let it stay on for another 15 minutes before washing off with water. Repeat it 3-4 times per week for effective results.
9. Egg White

Egg white is also good for sagging breasts due to its astringent and skin-nourishing properties. The hydro lipids present in egg white helps lift loose skin around your breasts.
Beat 1 egg white until you get a foamy texture. Apply this onto your breasts and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Wash it off with cucumber or onion juice and then with cold water.
You can also prepare a breast mask by mixing 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon each of plain yogurt and honey. Apply it onto your breasts and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water.
Follow either of these remedies once a week to enjoy firm breasts.
10. Cucumber, Butter And Egg Yolk
Grind a cucumber and add some butter, natural cream and a egg yolk to the mixture. Keep it overnight in the refrigerator and apply it on the breasts. Leave it on for about half an hour and wash it off with cold water afterwards. This would effectively firm and tone the breast skin and muscles, thereby lifting your breasts naturally and getting rid of that saggy appearance in a short span of time.
11. Pomegranate Peel

Pomegranate is considered a wonderful anti-aging ingredient and can help prevent sagging breasts. Pomegranate seed oil is rich in phyto-nutrients that can lead to firm breasts.
Make a paste of pomegranate peel and some warm mustard oil. Use it to massage your breasts in a circular motion for 5 to 10 minutes daily before going to bed.
You can also use pomegranate seed oil to massage your breasts 2 or 3 times daily.
Another option is to mix 4 teaspoons of neem oil with 1 teaspoon of dried and powdered pomegranate rind. Heat this mixture for a few minutes. Allow it to cool and then use it to massage your breasts twice daily for several weeks.
12. Dieting
Always combine dieting with exercise as this is the only way to reduce weight while keeping your skin firm (including your breast skin). Improper weights can also cause your breasts to sag. Drastic weight loss in a short span of time would definitely cause your breasts to lose their fullness and sag.
13. Nutrition
Nutrition is of special importance in getting a tight pair of breasts. This is because the breasts are held up by some muscles which need to be tightened up to firm up the breasts. The muscles will become tight if you fulfill the protein requirement of the muscles.
It also needs essential nutrients such as vitamins, calcium and minerals. You can get all these in tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, meat etc. But along with this you need to reduce the intake of caffeine and also stop smoking.
14. Avoid Wrong Sized Bras
A wrong sized bra can make your breasts sag in no time at all. Not wearing a bra would not help as well. Your best option would be to opt for bras with special support holders or pads at the bottom of the cup. These would keep your breasts in place and prevent sagging.