Trying to grow your hair out and not having much success? While there aren't any miracle products out there that'll give you Rapunzel locks over night, there a few things you can do. Whether you are impatiently waiting for your bangs to grow out or have added so many chemicals that your hair is completely refusing to cooperate. Here are a few tips to take in the kitchen to whip up some hair potions that are cheap and reliable! Whether we like it or not, hair plays an extremely important role in our self image.
Do you ever wish you could just start over with a clean slate of hair... well maybe you can without the commitment of having the BIG Chop! So to find out what you can do to get your hair flowing quickly, just continue on reading.
10. Essential Oils: If you want to make your hair grow faster, essential oils can really help, this might be a long one.. Essential oils can be used all over your body, but since we're trying to grow out our hair and not everyone has the same hair type I suggest the following:

Oils for Normal Hair
Normal hair is neither greasy nor dry, has not been permed or colored, holds its style and is usually shiny.
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Rosemary Essential Oil
- Lemon Essential Oil
- Geranium Essential Oil
- Cedarwood Essential Oil
- Thyme Essential Oil
- Clary Sage Essential Oil
And the best carrier oils to dilute this concoction would be a base of either jojoba, almond, or borage oil .
- Oils for Dry Hair
Dry Hair looks dull and tangles may become easily prone to split ends with the help of these essential oils we may then encourage our scalps to produce our naturally occurring oils!
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Rosemary Essential Oil
- Sandalwood Essential Oil
- Geranium Essential Oil
The best carrier oils would be a base of either jojoba, almond, sesame, borage, coco butter or avocado oil.
- Oils for Oily Hair
Oily hair looks greasy and is caused by over production of sebum by our glands. Which is why we want essential oils for hair that can restore the glands back to normal.
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Rosemary Essential Oil
- Lemon Essential Oil
- Peppermint Essential Oil
- Cypress Essential Oil
And the best carrier oils would be a base of either jojoba, sesame, or borage. All of this should go right onto your head and, I promise, the mixture will enhance your hair and make it grow that much faster! Try it!
9. Onion Water Rinse: You may not believe that onions can be used for anything else, except cooking, but that's definitely not the case. Boil some onions in water and use the water on your hair as a rinse -- no lie! It'll make it grow super fast providing nutrients and circulation to the hair follicles which can aid in hair loss and not to mention it'll give it an awesome sheen that everyone will be jealous of!

You may be able to juice them, blend them, or even grater them. Make sure to dilute the solution with water, leave the mixture on for 30 mins and rinse. Don't worry, there's no danger of a lingering bad smell, especially after you rinse. If you're still worried, just try this method over a weekend -- you can even invite some girlfriends over to join you on your hairtabulous endevour!
8. Apple Cider Vinger Rinse: If you're looking for really long hair, apple cider vinegar is the trick! Basically, you want to mix apple cider vinegar with a bit of water and then use as a rinse after every shampoo.

This will stimulate your hair follicles and help it grow much quicker! Some vinegar has a noticeable odor afterwards, but apple cider vinegar is a safe variety. If you still notice a smell or simply want to play it safe, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your vinegar, when you rinse, this also works to clarify your hair from product build up and is a healthy alternative conditioner. Here is more information about apple cider vinegar benefits
7. Space Out the Days you Wash your Hair: I can personally go 4 to 5 days without washing my hair, some say that is astonishingly gross while others say that this is key when growing out your hair.

I used to wash my hair everyday like everyone else and then it became every other day for many years, until these last 2 years I've been pushing it to 4 or 5 anything more than that I start to feel appalling to others haha, I do shower myself everyday though I just want to make that clear, just not my hair if that makes sense.
Forget about growing your hair, you will have a hard enough time simply trying to survive after being exposed to all those harsh chemicals on a daily basis. Ideally, you should wash your hair twice or three times a week. If you need to, use dry shampoos in between. This way, your hair will produce its natural protective oils and will get a chance to do what it does best: grow!
6. Maple Syrup Hair Mask: You heard me, if this mask doesn't instantly revive your hair from dryness death then I don't know what will! When I first read about this I thought to myself is she crazy or is this crazy enough to work?! I have loads of that in my pantry, um score! Similar to that of honey, maple syrup, the real maple syrup guys, also plays a key role in moisturizing.

How it works, much like honey you simply apply the syrup to dry hair, if its too thick try diluting it with a bit of water, and let it sit for however long as you want, personally, I'd go for 2 hours or more then shower, wash, and rinse as usual. Plus you'll be left with soft and silky hair!
5. Monistat7: Yes, I may have happen to come across this, "Monistat 7" craze going around on the YouTube.. And yes, I may have also played a role in growing my hair out with this... Don't judge lol! I probably grew 2 inches in a month with Monistat7 and its generic counterpart. But I feel as though it did indeed work because I was not doing anything else to my hair for about a month given on and off. I was still able to get something out of it and I literally applied the cream from the tube straight to my scalp much like applying dry shampoo to the hair section by section. Some people experienced headaches like I did, but nothing too drastic that would make me stop this experiment. I only stopped using it because my house ate it. I have not a clue where it disappeared, nonetheless it worked for me so come forth people who have used Monistat as well and share with us your experience! Please? haha.

4. Cayenne Pepper: Say whaaat!?!.. You want Me to put THAT on my hair?! You must be Cray! haha, but seriously yes. The facts are by irritating the scalp, you can increase blood flow to the scalp, therefore increasing oxygen and nutrients that the scalp needs to produce hair growth. And yes if you miscalculate it will burn, beauty hurts people! But please, be cautious when attempting to use organic cayenne pepper and any irritant for that matter whether pepper, onion, and so on. For this particular method, measure!

You will need 3 equal parts of organic cayenne pepper powder and olive oil (tsp not Tbs) resulting in a thick paste that can be rubbed onto your scalp and when using this method I suggest using some rubber gloves and leave this on for 10-15 minutes, no more and no less. This can be done every time you wash your hair with baking soda and apple cider vinegar or the daily shampoo and conditioner either one BE SURE to not let the rinse get into your eyes or your love below because it WILL burn, just putting that out there! Start off using little by little if this is your first time using it and work your way up to 3 teaspoons of equal parts.
3. Potato Juice: This may be the most effective but yet it is the least known to people for hair growth and is very beneficial for those of us that are affect by hair loss. Use the juice of 3 potatoes with an egg yolk, and 1 tbs of organic honey dilute the solution with a bit of water. To apply the potato juice on the hair for enhanced hair growth and thickness you need to gently massage it on the scalp.

Use the rest of the juice on the hair strands. This should be covered with a shower cap. Leave this liquid on the hair for about 20-25 minutes before rinsing off with water. This should be followed once a week for visible outcomes on hair growth. Along with growth, potato juice adds sheen to the hair. Apart from that, it keeps you away from bad smell in the hair unlike onion juice.
2. Cinnamon: Cinnamon is highly anti-inflammatory and aids in circulation of blood. When used on your mane, this helps with removing impurities from the scalp in which promotes hair growth even further. Cinnamon is also very good for treating scalp infections antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties with benefits of whether taken internally and/or internally.

Cinnamon powder can also alter the color of your hair! If you have a lighter than black, you may notice that your hair may have lightened a bit to a rich cinnamon brown color depending on person to person. When using anything for the first time please use with caution and sparingly to better determine what may or may not work best for you. Preventing your hair from hair loss and treating baldness. Mix 1 tsp of equal parts of cinnamon and honey with warm olive oil and apply onto your scalp for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing out like normally.
1. Blackstrap Unsalfured Molasses: Bet you never had this one comin'! Although I have taken grandma's blackstrap molasses internally (1-2 Tbs) when I was younger I paid little attention to what it was doing to my body and let alone my hair. But as I've gotten older I'd like to revisit this wonderful miracle in a bottle once more.

Plantation Blackstrap Molasses right here helps in reversing graying hairs to your natural hair color (taken internally) for mature women and aid in more youthful looking hair, drawing moisture to your stands, as well as thickening and re-growing thinning receding hair, something like a natural rogain. With a honey consistency this can be used with many other carrier oils like coconut, avocado, olive oil etc. And you may leave this on for about an hour and so, then rise and condition hair as usual. This is an multi-purpose product as well can be taken internally, used as a topical treatment among other things, this is a very simple and natural and you'd be doing a service to your body and hair.
When trying any of the products mention above be sure to always do a test patch to ensure of any unknown allergies or sensitivity, I don't want you ladies getting hurt all in the name of beauty. Be gentle and live a healthy lifestyle you know you are what you eat and your body could use all the nutrients it can get. Be sure to share and comment down below if these tips have helped you, learned something new, or if you've tried them before let us know down below!