Every woman out there loves to have perfectly shaped breasts and wants them to remain that way throughout her life. Sadly, that doesn’t happen in most cases. Breast sagging is a natural process wherein the breasts lose their suppleness and elasticity, and begin to sag down. Although this physical process would most usually set in when the woman reaches her mid- 40s’, certain factors can lead to a woman developing saggy breasts at a very young age itself (even in her 20s’.)
Age is an important factor in the reduction of firmness in the breasts. Size is not important, but it is important to have a firm and properly-shaped breast if you want to keep your breasts healthy and effective.
According to various studies, it is understood that when a woman reaches her late thirties, the skin of her body becomes loose and begins to show signs of aging. This is especially true in the breasts, particularly if a woman has gone through a pregnancy, according to the Oregon Institute of Breast Health Education.
The chest tissues become looser while breast feeding, therefore after nursing a child, breasts lose their firmness and shape, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It is safe to say that the main reasons or causes of reduced breast firmness are age and breastfeeding.
Following are some of the home remedies that can help you get rid of sagging breasts and achieve the the firmness you desire. Exercises and massage are actually the best ways to keep your breasts firm and in proper shape, but we will explore many more of the home remedies below.
16. Best Natural Remedies For Firming Sagging Breast
1. Push ups

Push ups This is a simple exercise for breast lifting. All you have to do is simply flop your belly down and push yourself right back up using your arms. These push ups is not the easiest exercise to do, but they will build the muscles behind the breast tissue, thus giving your breast a bit of a boost. This exercise for breast lifting will make the muscle toned too.
2. Arm Pectoral Lift

Single-arm pectoral lifts work the muscles of your chest and the area toward your underarm and shoulder to give you a firm, toned look when you wear that hot tube top or strapless dress. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in your right hand. Extend your hand at a diagonal toward the floor to get into the starting position. Lift the dumbbell beyond your shoulder while keeping your arm straight to feel the contraction in your pectoral muscle. Lower to the starting position to complete one rep. Perform eight to 16 reps on each side, three times a week. This chest-lifting exercise can also be done at a gym with a cable weight machine.
3. Wall-Ups

Stand in front of a wall, at a distance of one foot. Put your hands on the wall at the height of your shoulders about two feet apart. Your fingers should point upwards and your feet should be placed one meter apart. Simultaneously bend your elbows at 90 degrees and lift your heels while keeping the core area of the body rigid.with resistance for the same effect.
4. Cobra pose ( Bhujangasana )

Cobra pose or bhujangasana is a stretching exercise beneficial for the chest area. Lie on the yoga mat with your face down and toes pointing back. Bring your arms forward, placing your palms next to chest on the floor. Press deeply into the floor, inhale and raise your upper body surrendering to a backward motion, allowing your chest to extend upwards. Hold the position for 15 to 20 seconds, exhale and come back to the normal position. Perform at least once daily for best results.
5. Correct Posture

A bad posture can lead to breast sagging. To make your breasts appear firm and lifted, always stand straight with your shoulders pulled backwards, and do not slump when sitting or working. An easy way to perks up breasts is having good posture. When we are standing up straight, belly in, chest out, our breasts will appear firmer and perkier than when we slouch and exhibit poor posture. Think back to when we were younger and a guy we liked walked in the room. The first thing we’d do is sit up straight and thrust out our chest, right? It works the same now as it did back then!
Yoga is a great and fun activity to add that will help strengthen core and back muscles to improve your posture as well.
6. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
Also known as the tree post, this is a great way to tighten those loose muscles by giving a good stretch and then holding the posture. What you have to do here is stand in a straight position and then clasp both hands and join them together in the namaskar pose. Next lift your left leg and place it on the inner thigh of the right so that the weight of the entire body rests on the right leg. Pull hands upwards and continue breathing. Hold for at least 30 seconds and then repeat.
7. Massage Regularly

Massaging your breasts in an upward motion for at least 15 minutes every day (once in the morning and night for better results) can be advantageous for your saggy breasts. Repeated rubbing would generate heat and energy which in turn would improve blood circulation to the breasts. And this would in turn strengthen the connective tissues and muscles, thereby preventing breasts from sagging and improving the breast shape effectively.
Apply some almond oil or olive oil onto your palms (aloe vera gel would also do) and rub them together to generate heat. Place the palms over the breasts and rub them in an upward motion (clockwise direction with the left hand and anticlockwise direction with the right hand). Rub for about 15 minutes, making sure you rub your palms together at regular intervals in between to keep the heat flowing. With time, your breasts would start to look fuller and rounder.
8. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has natural skin-tightening properties that can help get rid of sagging breasts. The antioxidants in aloe vera prevent damage caused by free radicals and help firm sagging breasts.
Apply aloe vera gel onto your breasts and massage gently in a circular motion for 10 minutes. Allow it to sit for another 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Repeat this remedy 4 or 5 times a week to get effective results. You can also prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 1 teaspoon each of mayonnaise and honey. Apply this onto your breasts and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse it off first with warm water and then use cold water. Do this once a week.
9. Ice Massaging

Ice massaging can be another effective form to regain firmness in sagging breasts and uplifting them. Take two cubes of ice and massage it in a circle around your breast for at least a minute. Don’t do it for too long, as the skin of the breast is very sensitive. This will help tighten and tone the skin of your breasts. Cold temperatures naturally tighten up skin and slow cellular movement. This is a good technique when combined with immediately putting on a properly fitting bra and then staying in some sort of reclined position to allow the effects of the cold to sink in, thereby increasing the effects.
10. Essential Oils
Essential Oils like fennel seed oil, spearmint oil, carrot oil, lemongrass oil and cypress oil contain skin cell rejuvenation properties that help restore the suppleness and elasticity of saggy skin. All you need to do is massage your breasts with these oils at regular intervals throughout the day in order to tone the skin in and around your breasts. Be forewarned that these oils could burn the skin and so need to be applied in miniscule quantities only. Two drops would be more than enough for the purpose.
11. Vegetable Oil
You can also use vegetable oils like almond oil or grape seed oil to massage onto your breasts. It will help the nourishment of the skin, toning the structure and giving extra zeal. One can add essential oils along with vegetable oils, if you think it is required. Olive oil has long been suggested as one of the best oils to use,
12. Olive Oil
Massaging your breasts with olive oil is an excellent technique to firm sagging breasts. Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants and fatty acids that can reverse the damage caused by free radicals and prevent sagging breasts. Plus, it will help improve the skin tone and texture.
Put some olive oil onto your palms and rub them together to generate heat. Rub your palms over your breasts in an upward motion. Massage gently for about 15 minutes to increase blood flow and stimulate cell repair. Follow this remedy at least 4 or 5 times per week. You can also use almond, argan, avocado or jojoba oil to massage your breasts.
13. Almond Oil and Milk Cream Mask

The skin and beauty benefits of almond oil is well known, and it has widespread application in a wide range of cosmetics, skin and hair care products. It works as a nourishing moisturizer that is easily absorbed by the skin. The most effective way of toning and firming breasts is by moisturizing the tissues through a nourishing breast massage. Lack of moisture in the breast tissues causes loss of elasticity, thus leading to sagging breasts.
Being a rich source of nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamins A, D, E along with oleic and linoleic acids, almond oil helps in fighting cell damage and prevent premature skin aging caused by free radicals. It also helps in tightening the tissues, repairing and rejuvenating damaged skin. Milk cream or “malai” is an age old natural remedy that helps in moisturizing and hydrating dry skin to give it a lively, supple and perky look. Take 4 -5 tablespoons of fresh milk cream and add 2 tablespoons of almond oil to it, mix well and apply on the breasts evenly, massage in soft circular and upward motion for 10 minutes and let it stay on for another 15 minutes before washing off with water. Repeat it 3-4 times per week for effective results.
14. Cucumber and Egg Yolk Mask

Another excellent remedy for lifting the breasts is a mask prepared from cucumber and egg yolk. Cucumber has natural skin-toning properties and egg yolk has high levels of protein and vitamins that can help treat sagging breasts.
Puree 1 small cucumber in a blender. Mix in 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of butter or cream to get a paste. Apply it onto your breasts and leave it on for about 30 minutes. Wash it off thoroughly with cold water. Use this mask once a week to firm and strengthen the breast tissues.
15. Fenugreek and Yogurt Mask
The benefits of fenugreek for breast firming and breast enlargement are well known. The oil of fenugreek improves the elasticity of breast tissues and ligaments and enhances breast size by stimulating growth of tissues. The antioxidants present in fenugreek revokes the cell damage caused by free radicals and prevents premature skin aging and sagging.
Yogurt is a rich source of nutrients such as lactic acid, vitamin B, zinc and calcium that helps in regeneration of skin cells, improves cell growth and keeps skin hydrated. The natural astringent property of zinc is worth a special mention that helps in tightening loose tissues. Soak a handful of fenugreek seeds in water for 1 hour, ground and turn it into a thick paste and keep aside. Take a cup of yogurt and whisk it properly, add the fenugreek paste and mix well, apply on the breasts in a circular motion, let it stay for 1 hour and wash off with water. Repeat it 3-4 times per week for effective results. The most effective way of deriving the benefits of fenugreek is to consume it in the form of fenugreek oil as capsule or supplements.
16. Special Bras

It is very important to consider the kind of bras you wear if you are not happy with how saggy your breasts have become. You need to select the appropriate bra which makes the breast look firm and provides enough support to keep it high and tight. There are special bras available in the market which have strong support holders at the cup bottoms which lift your breast and keep them firm. Usually, the employees at lingerie stores or department stores are able to point you in the right direction for the bra which will best satisfy your needs.