Pimples are a normal skin condition that affect many people. Pimples are an inflammation of the skin in which the sebaceous glands (oil glands) become infected with bacteria, swell up, and fill with pus. Excess sebum secretion by the oil glands is the primary cause behind this problem. Pimples generally occur on the face, neck, back and shoulders. Though not a critical condition, pimples can make a person feel miserable due to their appearance.
While most people believe that using harsh chemicals, vigorous mechanical scrubbing and even physician supervised skin peels and laser treatments are the best way to treat occasional pimples, oftentimes these treatments just aggravate the problem and make matters worse. So, for occasional, localized breakouts, here are some great natural remedies that can help you get rid of pimples quickly and painlessly.
12. How to Get Rid of Pimples Naturally
1. Ice

Ice can be used to quickly reduce the redness, swelling and inflammation of pimples. It helps in improving blood circulation to the affected area, and in tightening the skin pores and removing dirt and oil accumulated on the skin. You can use ice cubes or crushed ice, whichever is convenient. Wrap the ice in a piece of cloth and hold it on the affected skin area for a few seconds. Wait a few minutes and repeat the process.
2. Toothpaste
The toothpaste that you use every morning to clean your teeth also can be used to treat pimples quickly. It is most effective when used following the ice remedy. You must use white toothpaste; avoid using gel toothpaste. Apply some white toothpaste over the affected skin area before going to bed. In the morning, wash your face with water and you will see a significant improvement in the swelling. If you wish, you can repeat the process in the daytime also. Just make sure the toothpaste remains on the pimples for at least half an hour.
3. Basil Leaves
Liquid extracted from basil leaves is another effective weapon for fighting pimples. Take few basil leaves and dip them in warm water for around 20 minutes. Before going to bed, cleanse your face and apply the extracted liquid with the help of a cotton ball. Let it stay on the affected area for the entire night so that it can dry automatically. Rinse it off in the morning and see the difference in your skin. The pimples have diminished and the skin is clearer. this is considered to be the best way to remove pimples overnight.
Basil leaf extract is an excellent home remedy for pimples, and the results are visible in just a day.
4. Lemon
Another quick way to get rid of pimples is the use of lemon juice, which is rich in vitamin C. Lemon juice helps pimples dry up faster. Be sure to use fresh lemon juice and not bottled juice, which has preservatives. There are a couple of ways to apply this remedy. Dip a clean cotton swab in fresh lemon juice and apply it to the pimples before going to bed. You can also mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and put it on the pimples overnight. In the morning, wash the skin well with lukewarm water. However, this particular remedy is not suitable for those with sensitive skin.
5. Garlic
Garlic is an antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant agent that can help in the fast treatment of pimples. The sulfur in garlic also promotes quick healing of pimples. Cut a fresh garlic clove into two pieces. Rub the garlic on the pimples and leave it for five minutes before washing the skin with lukewarm water. Repeat the treatment several times a day. Eating one raw garlic clove daily can also help purify your blood. But do not to eat too much raw garlic as it can upset the stomach.
6. Steaming

Steaming is very effective to get rid of pimples naturally as the hot vapors of the water clear the pores of the skin from dust, oil, bacteria, dirt and other impurities and allows them to open up and breathe. For this, boil water in a container for a few minutes until the water starts boiling. Place the hot container beneath your face such that the vapors hit directly on your face and continue doing this for 3-4 minutes. After you are done, apply some light moisturizing cream which helps the skin cells to regain its lost moisture.
7. Honey
Honey is a source of natural antibiotics that can speed up the healing process, as well as help prevent infections. Dip a clean cotton swab in honey, put it directly on the affected area and leave it on for half an hour. Wash the skin well with lukewarm water. Do this a few times a day. Another option is to mix honey and cinnamon together to make a paste and applying it over the pimples before going to bed. In the morning, there will be less inflammation or swelling. Wash the skin well with cold water.
8. Baking Soda Mask

Baking soda is another effective home remedy to get rid of pimples because it helps exfoliate the skin to remove excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells.
Make a thick paste by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with some water or lemon juice. Wash your skin well, leaving it slightly damp. Apply the paste on the affected areas and allow it to dry for a few minutes. Never keep baking soda on your skin for longer than a few minutes as it can cause dryness or irritation. Wash your face with warm water. Repeat the process twice a day for quick results.
9. Aloe Vera And Honey Mask

It is another great mask that takes very good care of your skin and helps cure acne. One tablespoon full of Aloe Vera juice or pulp (not Aloe Latex) and one tablespoon of honey. Mix the two ingredients uniformly. Apply a coating of the mixture on your face and to any affected areas. Works best when fresh. Leave the mixture stand for about ten minutes before applying it to the affected acne areas.
Aloe Vera is well known for its skin-friendly properties. It moistens, soothes, softens, and tones skin. Additionally, this mixture includes the remarkable antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of honey. This mask is best for people who have sensitive skin or commonly suffer from redness, inflammation, itching, and irritation.
Aloe Vera supposedly has no side effects, and there are no reports of it being allergenic. However, some people may be allergic to honey. Regardless of your allergen history, it is best to test it on your wrist before you apply it to your face.
10. Orange Peel Mask

You might be aware of the Vitamin C properties of an orange. It helps the skin as it stops pimples from aggravating by reducing its inflammation. To prepare this mask, just grind the orange peel into small bits and add little water to make it a paste. Apply gently on the pimples and leave it for 15 minutes until it is completely dry. If you are allergic to Vitamin C, it is better to avoid this and instead you can use lemon juice and honey mixture.
11. Lemon, Yogurt And Honey Mask

This is another very good treatment for acne. This variation is also completely made from natural and edible ingredients. Two tablespoons of fresh milk, two tablespoons of honey, fresh juice from one lemon, one tablespoon of fresh yogurt, and lukewarm water. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients in a bowl to get a uniform consistency to the lotion. Apply one layer of this mixture on your whole face and down onto your throat. Wait for a few minutes until it dries. Then, apply a second layer and keep applying until you have used the whole batch. When you are finished applying to the affected acne areas, wait for approximately ten minutes and then rinse off you entire face with the lukewarm water.
Use this mixture three to four times a week (even a daily application is fine), but be sure to prepare it fresh every time, as it is very easy to prepare and most effective at that point. Although it may not always be possible, try using all organic ingredients. The less artificial chemicals the better!
As always, check if you are allergic to any ingredients prior to using this type of mask.
Note: You can separately use combinations of lemon-honey, milk-honey and yogurt-honey acne masks. All of them are effective, but some people develop preferences, and everyone’s body is a little different!
12. Tea Tree Oil And Honey Mask

The Tea Tree Oil – Honey Mask also helps cure acne. Two drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil and one tablespoon of honey. Just mix the two ingredients very well. Apply on the whole face or just the affected parts. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Use this method 2-3 times a week for better and faster results.
Due to its strong germicidal and fungicidal properties, tea tree oil should not be used during pregnancy. Moreover, ingestion should be avoided. Tea Tree Essential Oil may not suit some skin types and may cause irritations, inflammations or rashes. In that case, stop using this technique and try one of the other masks. You should consult a practicing Aromatherapist before using any essential oils.